This book presents a case study of the The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Warehousing and Manual Handling Workers in a Palestinian Factory.After the industrial revolution took place, WMSDs became highly prevalent among workers who perform repetitive movements, performing work in an awkward posture for a prolonged time, bending, twisting, pulling and pushing tasks.Recently, MSDs are considered among the highest-burden health cases in modern societies. Moreover, MSDs are classified as an occupational disease. They are described as disorders that affect the Musculoskeletal System (MSS) and affect the health, productivity, and careers of the working population. Whereas the warehousing and manual handling workers are at high risk of developing MSDs, and this due to the professional multifactorial risk factors such as personal, biomechanical (physical) and Psychosocial risk factors.