This fully updated ninth edition provides an introduction to conflict and conflict management that is firmly grounded in current theory, research, and practice.
Covering a range of conflict settings, including interpersonal, group, and organizational conflicts, it includes an abundance of real-life case studies that encompass a spectrum of theoretical perspectives. Its emphasis on application makes it highly accessible to students, while expanding their comprehension of conflict theory and practical skills. This new edition features a new chapter presenting key principles students can practice to become more skillful at managing conflict, a wealth of up-to-date research and case examples, suggested readings and video resources, and integrated questions for review and discussion.
This textbook can be used in undergraduate or graduate courses on conflict in communication, business and management, political science, and counseling programs.
An accompanying instructor's manual, including suggested assignments, cases, exercises, and test questions, can be found at under Instructor and Student Resources.
Covering a range of conflict settings, including interpersonal, group, and organizational conflicts, it includes an abundance of real-life case studies that encompass a spectrum of theoretical perspectives. Its emphasis on application makes it highly accessible to students, while expanding their comprehension of conflict theory and practical skills. This new edition features a new chapter presenting key principles students can practice to become more skillful at managing conflict, a wealth of up-to-date research and case examples, suggested readings and video resources, and integrated questions for review and discussion.
This textbook can be used in undergraduate or graduate courses on conflict in communication, business and management, political science, and counseling programs.
An accompanying instructor's manual, including suggested assignments, cases, exercises, and test questions, can be found at under Instructor and Student Resources.
Working through Conflict provides an excellent and broad overview of the scholarship on conflict across a range of contexts. It also does a great job of explaining enduring insights about conflict while also discussing emerging trends, such as new communication technologies and conflict. Overall, it serves as an excellent introduction to the conflict literature.
- John P Caughlin, University of Illinois, USA
The eighth edition of Working Through Conflict is clearly the most comprehensive, broad-based text on communication and conflict. With its process focus, new material on media and conflict, updated research, and excellent case studies, it is the textbook that gives readers a foundation for navigating conflict productively and successfully.
-Linda L. Putnam, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Working through Conflict provides an excellent and broad overview of the scholarship on conflict across a range of contexts. It also does a great job of explaining enduring insights about conflict while also discussing emerging trends, such as new communication technologies and conflict. Overall, it serves as an excellent introduction to the conflict literature.
- John P Caughlin, University of Illinois, USA
The eighth edition of Working Through Conflict is clearly the most comprehensive, broad-based text on communication and conflict. With its process focus, new material on media and conflict, updated research, and excellent case studies, it is the textbook that gives readers a foundation for navigating conflict productively and successfully.
-Linda L. Putnam, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA