I: The Americas
1: Alaska
2: Canada: Transcontinental Highways
3: The St Lawrence Seaway
4: The Mississippi-Missouri
5: The Rio Grande
6: The Panama Canal
7: The Amazon
8: The Paraná
II: Europe
9: The English Channel and the North Sea
10: The Channel Tunnel
11: The Rhine
12: The Danube
13: The Mediterranean
14: The Dardanelles and the Black Sea
III: Africa
15: The Nile
16: The Niger River
17: Ethiopia: No Exit
18: The Congo River
19: The Zambezi
20: The TANZAM Railway
21: Mozambique: Controller of Strategic Highways
22: The Beira Corridor
23: The Maputo Corridor and the Trans-Kalahari Highway
24: The Benguela Railway
25: The BOTZAM Road
26: The South African Network
IV: The Middle East
27: The Suez Canal
28: The River Jordan
29: The Tigris-Euphrates River System
30: The Gulf
V: Russia/Europe/Asia
31: The Volga
32: The Trans-Siberian Railway
33: Russia: Three Giant Rivers, A Future Resource
VI: South Asia
34: The Khyber Pass
35: The Indus
36: The Ganges-Brahmaputra
VII: South-East Asia
37: The Mekong
38: Singapore: Strategic City-State
VIII: China
39: The Yangtze (Chang Jiang)
40: The Yellow River (Huang He)
41: The Silk Road
42: The Great Wall of China
IX: The World
43: Landlocked Countries
44: The International Airways System
45: The International Drugs Trade