Guy HalsallWorlds of Arthur
Facts & Fictions of the Dark Ages
Guy Halsall has taught at the universities of London and York, where he has been a professor of history since 2003. His early specialism was in the history and archaeology of the Merovingian period (c.450-c.750), and he has since published widely on a broad range of subjects: death and burial, age and gender, violence and warfare, barbarian migrations, and humour. This investigation into the 'worlds of Arthur' brings him back to the study of early medieval British history and archaeology with which his scholarly training began.
* Preface
* 1: The Story of 'King Arthur'
* 2: The Matter of Arthur: the Traditional Narrative
* 3: Swords in the Stones: the Archaeology of Post-Imperial Britain
* 4: The Antimatter of Arthur: Reassessing the Written Sources
* 5: Continuity or Collapse? The End of Roman Britain
* 6: Beyond Brooches and Brochs: Rethinking Early Medieval British
* 7: Red Herrings and Old Chestnuts
* 8: The Matter of Arthur: Changing the Framework
* 9: Rethinking the Anglo-Saxon Migration and Setttlement (1): When Did
the Anglo-Saxons Come to Britain?
* 10: Rethinking the Anglo-Saxon Migration and Setttlement (2): The
Nature and Scale of the Migration
* 11: Fifth and Sixth Century Politics in Britannia
* 12: The End of the 'World of Arthur'
* Further Reading
* Index