Lisa Niemi und Patrick Swayze lernten sich als Teenager in der Tanzschule seiner Mutter kennen. Ihre 34 Jahre währende Ehe war eine einmalige und leidenschaftlichen Partnerschaft. Nun schreibt Lisa Niemi über den Verlust ihres Mannes, seinen Kampf gegen den Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs und über die Trauer, die sein Tod bei ihr ausgelöst hat. Emotional ehrlich und unerschrocken in ihrer Darstellung von Krankheit, Tod und Verlust, ist es auch eine hoffnungsvolle und lebensbejahende Erforschung, der Macht des menschlichen Geistes. Sie zeigt, dass, egal wie dunkel die Aussicht auf einen neuen Tag auch sein mag, die Liebe, die zwei Menschen geteilt haben, nie wirklich stirbt.
"A worthy addition to the canon of literature that honestly assesses grief without sentimentalizing it." - Kirkus
"It's a heartfelt account, both brave and honorable." -Publisher's Weekly
"Lisa is one of the most honest people I've ever known. It's one of the big reasons Patrick loved her. Read it and you'll see what I mean." -Whoopi Goldberg
"I loved Patrick Swayze and conducted his last television interview before he died. We were joined by the woman he adored, his wife, Lisa. She was soft, tough when she had to be, funny, wise and inspiring. You will be the better for reading her book." -Barbara Walters
"This heartbreaking but bracingly candid book should help comfort anyone going through the loss of a loved one." -Booklist
"It's a heartfelt account, both brave and honorable." -Publisher's Weekly
"Lisa is one of the most honest people I've ever known. It's one of the big reasons Patrick loved her. Read it and you'll see what I mean." -Whoopi Goldberg
"I loved Patrick Swayze and conducted his last television interview before he died. We were joined by the woman he adored, his wife, Lisa. She was soft, tough when she had to be, funny, wise and inspiring. You will be the better for reading her book." -Barbara Walters
"This heartbreaking but bracingly candid book should help comfort anyone going through the loss of a loved one." -Booklist