Set in the early 1950's, follow the hilarious exploits and misfortunes of our hero, Geordie Thompson. His world revolves around Newcastle and anywhere else is a foreign country. However, events take him into this alien world and he finds that the values he cherishes do not apply there. He falls foul of a magistrate in Hexham, has a disastrous foray on the Border Counties railway which in that era ran up the North Tyne valley. He comes to grief on a boat ride down the Tyne from Ryton to Whitley Bay. Of course, he also gets into scrapes in 'the toon' itself. 'Take a generous helping of Bobby Thompson, stir in a little of Andy Capp and season with lashings of Auf Wiedersehen Pet and you have the new book by Gordon Simpson . It is good knock about stuff and should raise a chuckle with many north easterners.' - The Hexham Courant.
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