Offering unique insights into the writing and production of television drama series such as The Killing and Borgen, produced by DR, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Novrup Redvall explores the creative collaborations in writers' rooms and 'production hotels' through detailed case studies of Denmark's public service production culture.
'Writing and Producing Television Drama in Denmark is a key text on Scandinavian television and production culture. As such, it is not only recommended to scholars of Scandinavian audio-visual culture, but also to those - including undergraduates as well as more advanced scholars -who are more generally interested in television production and scriptwriting.' - Tobias Hochscherf, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
The book provides a wealth of material to ponder, not only for those interested in Danish television but for anyone curious about the direction of small screen fiction generally.' - Glen Creeber, New Review of Film and Television Studies
The book provides a wealth of material to ponder, not only for those interested in Danish television but for anyone curious about the direction of small screen fiction generally.' - Glen Creeber, New Review of Film and Television Studies