The current book is made of four chapters. The first one, about logical syntax, presents the three models of logical syntax according to the following authors : Jerperson, Covet and Reichenbach. Basing on the number of configurations, Reichenbach's model provides more than others. Those thirteen configurations are stressed in this book. The second and third chapters have a similar target, which is to reconstruct the thirteen configurations through respectively mathematical procedure and movement. Through mathematical procedure, combination, permutation and separation are applied to the Reichenbach elements, namely moment of the Speech (S), reference point (R) and the point of event (E). These three elements are combined, permutated and separated with commas and dashes to reconstruct the thirteen configurations. Through movement, the element, point of event (E) is moved in configurations both inside and outside the time line to reconstruct the thirteen configurations. The last andfourth chapter is more concerned with the application of X-bar theory to Reichenbach's configurations.