A whiff of cigarette smoke gives ADAM a split-second advantage before a burst of gunfire shatters the idyllic Condamine River dawn and any illusions ADAM had that the battle for control of 'Majalin Downs' was over. How did the shooters know he'd be at this precise remote location at dawn today? Only he and Kate knew that! Obviously not! ADAM finds clues at the ambush site left by the would-be assassins who scarpered the moment they knew they'd missed him - they were not hanging about to become ADAM's prey. Everyone knows the only way ADAM will leave his beloved Kate, or 'Majalin Downs' is in a box and someone is measuring him up for size. His enemies know he's going nowhere and know they'll have other chances. A dalliance from ADAM's past puts his future with Kate in jeopardy - his past is unravelling, explosively catching up with him on several fronts, threatening his life and the lives of those he loves.
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