Customer satisfaction is central to customer loyalty,
repeat patronage and positive word-of-mouth
recommendations in the foodservice, lodging and
tourism sectors of the hospitality industry. Its
increasing importance has attracted a proliferation
of debate, reviews, discussions and research. These
have made a substantial contribution to the
understanding of customer satisfaction construct and
theories. In spite of this, customer satisfaction
still remains an elusive, indistinct and ambiguous
paradigm - there is still no consensus on how best
to conceptualise and measure it. Focusing on young
adults and casual dining restaurants, this book
provides a comprehensive and academic framework,
theories, nature and importance of customer
satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the hospitality
industry. This book is therefore an invaluable
resource for students, customers and practitioners
who may wish to broad their understanding of customer
satisfaction/dissatisfaction and grasp emerging
issues and contemporary debates in the hospitality
repeat patronage and positive word-of-mouth
recommendations in the foodservice, lodging and
tourism sectors of the hospitality industry. Its
increasing importance has attracted a proliferation
of debate, reviews, discussions and research. These
have made a substantial contribution to the
understanding of customer satisfaction construct and
theories. In spite of this, customer satisfaction
still remains an elusive, indistinct and ambiguous
paradigm - there is still no consensus on how best
to conceptualise and measure it. Focusing on young
adults and casual dining restaurants, this book
provides a comprehensive and academic framework,
theories, nature and importance of customer
satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the hospitality
industry. This book is therefore an invaluable
resource for students, customers and practitioners
who may wish to broad their understanding of customer
satisfaction/dissatisfaction and grasp emerging
issues and contemporary debates in the hospitality