The complicity of public reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan influenced the processes of youth's socialisation and all the sides of young generation's life. The content and the ways of solution of traditional youth problems changed, they have to be considered on a principally new basis in new historic conditions. Among various factors and processes influencing youth's socialisation specific of Kazakhstan as a unique region. The present book is a theoretical and methodological study. On the basis of latest historical, ethnographic, social and psychological data the author tries to differentiate and clarify the issues of his latest researches. With the help of this book the author gives a connected, pithy view of youth socialisation in the changing world. It refers for everybody, who wants to become interested in the problems of youth socialization and to comprehend the approaches of their solution. It will be very interesting for foreign readers. The author hopes that this book will help to them to take its bearings in the modern tendencies of youth socialization in Kazakhstan with the view of multy-disciplinary research in the context of macro paradigm of modern society.