Alex Khasnabish is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. His first book Zapatismo Beyond Borders: New Imaginations of Political Possibility (2008), focuses on the reasons for and consequences of the transnational resonance of Zapatismo and the links between radical political imaginations and global anti-capitalism. His work has been published in AmeriQuests, Anthropologica, Critique of Anthropology, the Globalization and Autonomy Working Paper Series, Journal for the Study of Radicalism, Politics and Culture, and Upping the Anti.
Introduction: 'Enough!' 1. We Are the Product of 500 Years of Resistance':
The Origins of Zapatismo 2. 'Everything for Everyone, Nothing for
Ourselves': Zapatismo as Political Philosophy and Political Practice 3.
'Never Again a Mexico Without Us': The National Impact of Zapatismo 4. 'A
World Made of Many Worlds': The Transnational Impact of Zapatismo
Conclusion: 'To Open a Crack in History'