In extremely high competitive environments like the
fashion industry, globalisation, increasing supply
and demand uncertainties and the pace of market
changes combine the intensive search for improved
customer service, reduced cost and the elusive
target of greater agility. This book discusses first
on the basis of a theoretical analysis how the
Spanish garments retailer Zara - the world s fastest
growing clothing brand - faces these challenges with
a close view at its unique supply chain
management practices. Besides the conventional
literature review, a different approach demonstrates
how a business model can also be analysed by the
application of the ''Systems Archetypes''. They are
highly effective to understand patterns of
organisations and the nature of underlying problems.
Illustrated with causal loop diagrams they offer a
basic structure, upon which a model can be further
developed and are herewith very
helpful and supportive in decision taking processes.
To get an objective overview Zara''s main competitor -
the Swedish company Hennes & Mauritz - is also
investigated which has a far more common way of
managing its business model.
fashion industry, globalisation, increasing supply
and demand uncertainties and the pace of market
changes combine the intensive search for improved
customer service, reduced cost and the elusive
target of greater agility. This book discusses first
on the basis of a theoretical analysis how the
Spanish garments retailer Zara - the world s fastest
growing clothing brand - faces these challenges with
a close view at its unique supply chain
management practices. Besides the conventional
literature review, a different approach demonstrates
how a business model can also be analysed by the
application of the ''Systems Archetypes''. They are
highly effective to understand patterns of
organisations and the nature of underlying problems.
Illustrated with causal loop diagrams they offer a
basic structure, upon which a model can be further
developed and are herewith very
helpful and supportive in decision taking processes.
To get an objective overview Zara''s main competitor -
the Swedish company Hennes & Mauritz - is also
investigated which has a far more common way of
managing its business model.