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These 178 snapshots of Zeno Zheng, a well-known photographer in China, were taken in 1987 during his trip to Mongolian, Russia, Check, Romania and Hungary.这178幅照片系民俗摄影家(前中国民俗摄影协会理事会员,中国老摄影家学会会员)鄭祝元在他1987年率领中国电力科技考察团赴蒙古和欧洲时的偷闲抓拍。他的摄影作品曾在美国展出,并受到美国《亚美商报》的大力推荐。

These 178 snapshots of Zeno Zheng, a well-known photographer in China, were taken in 1987 during his trip to Mongolian, Russia, Check, Romania and Hungary.这178幅照片系民俗摄影家(前中国民俗摄影协会理事会员,中国老摄影家学会会员)鄭祝元在他1987年率领中国电力科技考察团赴蒙古和欧洲时的偷闲抓拍。他的摄影作品曾在美国展出,并受到美国《亚美商报》的大力推荐。