Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Zipang is a Japanese manga series by Kaiji Kawaguchi. It was first serialized in Kodansha''s Weekly Morning magazine from 2000 until 2009, and published in 42 volumes (ongoing). Its popularity has extended to middle schoolers who enjoy history. Four volumes have been translated into English by Ralph McCarthy for the Kodansha Bilingual Comics library.A modern Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force vessel, the JDS Mirai, is en route to participate in a military exercise with the US Navy near Hawaii. In the vicinity of Midway Island it encounters a strange meteorological phenomenon that throws it back through time to the eve of the Battle of Midway of World War II. After rescuing an Imperial Japanese Navy commissioned officer, Takumi Kusaka, the Mirai and its crew go on to affect the course of history itself.