"Zoey & Me" is a children''s book series written by Mallory Lewis, daughter of the late puppeteer Shari Lewis. It follows the experiences and escapades of 11-year-old Molly Miles and her new "baby sister" Zoey, an orangutan from the Los Angeles Zoo.Zoey came to live with the Miles'' shortly after she was born. Lucky, Zoey''s mother and a captive-bred orangutan, didn''t know how to care for her new baby, having never seen it done in the wild. As a result, little Zoey had to be placed in the care of Mrs. Miles, a primatologist at the zoo, and the only character with the time and patience to be Zoey''s foster parent. Molly tries her hardest to get used to the new family member, even making Zoey her current-events project for school, but after having her homework destroyed and her mother''s time taken up by the baby orangutan she gives up and begins desperately wanting things to be normal again. After Zoey ingests a bottle of shampoo and has to be rushed to the hospital, Molly learnswhat it truly meant to be a big sister and to care about Zoey, no matter how much trouble she causes.