Meet "Zombie", a strange and wonderful young man growing up in Truckstown, Pennsylvania, whose earliest childhood memory of visiting the "Sacred Voodoo Chamber" (with its beautiful glowing rocks and mysterious mummy) in the nearby Scranton Art Museum leaves him in thrall and begins in him a process of "zombification" that will last a lifetime. Fear and worship become his guiding forces as he stumbles through life wondering if there are more of his kind or if he is alone. After a series of petty crimes, committed at the behest of his first "master", Zombie is given a one-way bus ticket to New York City, along with a troy inheritance. He embarks on a weird, dark, surprisingly funny, and ultimately poignant odyssey where he meets those who will be responsible for his destiny, which unfolds after a trip to Haiti where he explores the ancient African religions where the loas rule. Zombie is a unique story, a fable that dares to explore the dark recesses of human desire.