The fourth volume in the Minecraft warrior adventure series follows Runt, Blurp, and friends on their quest to the End to face the Enderdragon. Cube Kid's bestselling characters come to life for young readers along with fun illustrations.
A Minecraft Movie opens in theaters April 4, 2025!
Runt the villager, Blurp the zombie, Maggie the warrior, and dog Dragonslayer join together with two new companions, the fierce warrior-turned zombie Alberic and his apprentice Bagel in a new adventure! The journey to the End is full of pitfalls and living together is difficult, but the group must stay united. Faced with the Enderdragon, there's only one choice: perish or defeat. Read on to find out what happens!
A Minecraft Movie opens in theaters April 4, 2025!
Runt the villager, Blurp the zombie, Maggie the warrior, and dog Dragonslayer join together with two new companions, the fierce warrior-turned zombie Alberic and his apprentice Bagel in a new adventure! The journey to the End is full of pitfalls and living together is difficult, but the group must stay united. Faced with the Enderdragon, there's only one choice: perish or defeat. Read on to find out what happens!