All children deserve a good education, where barriers to learning are addressed and teachers have the knowledge and support to raise their aspirations and achievement.
The Achievement for All programme is a tried-and-tested whole-school strategy for raising the aspirations and attainment of the most vulnerable learners in any school setting (0-19), including those with special educational needs, disabilities and English as an additional language. A two-year pilot demonstrated unprecedented impact for pupils with SEND, who progressed faster on average than all pupils nationally in English and Maths. Key features of the programme include:
- rigorous tracking of children's progress in English and maths with intervention when pupils fall behind
- structured conversations with parents
- a common sense approach to learning barriers, such as bullying, persistent absence and poor social skills.
This practical guide to implementing this successful model in your school includes online training tools, audit sheets and further resources to support the implementation and development of the programme and to ensure its sustainability.
The Achievement for All programme is a tried-and-tested whole-school strategy for raising the aspirations and attainment of the most vulnerable learners in any school setting (0-19), including those with special educational needs, disabilities and English as an additional language. A two-year pilot demonstrated unprecedented impact for pupils with SEND, who progressed faster on average than all pupils nationally in English and Maths. Key features of the programme include:
- rigorous tracking of children's progress in English and maths with intervention when pupils fall behind
- structured conversations with parents
- a common sense approach to learning barriers, such as bullying, persistent absence and poor social skills.
This practical guide to implementing this successful model in your school includes online training tools, audit sheets and further resources to support the implementation and development of the programme and to ensure its sustainability.