"Akif Learns About Iman" series is made up of the conversations between a young boy named Akif, who is curious about the facts of iman, and his grandfather Abdullah, who gladly and carefully answers his questions.
The first book in the series titled "Believing in Allah" seeks to put the love of Allah and faith in Him in our children's hearts.
Akif takes in the sights of the mountains, the seas and the animals in the world. As he continues his conversation with his grandfather, he better realizes the greatness of Allah and the goodness of keeping faith in Him. He thinks of Allah's blessings upon him and thanks Him.
The first book in the series titled "Believing in Allah" seeks to put the love of Allah and faith in Him in our children's hearts.
Akif takes in the sights of the mountains, the seas and the animals in the world. As he continues his conversation with his grandfather, he better realizes the greatness of Allah and the goodness of keeping faith in Him. He thinks of Allah's blessings upon him and thanks Him.