The story follows detectives Eun-mi Han and Ji-hoon Kang as they uncover a cosmic threat that endangers not just their city, but the very fabric of reality. As unexplained phenomena begin to plague Miryang, Eun-mi discovers she has a deep, ancestral connection to an ancient entity known as the Cradle - a repository for lost souls and a gateway between worlds. As the boundaries between realities start to crumble, Eun-mi and Ji-hoon must race against time to understand and contain the growing chaos. Their investigation leads them through Miryang's hidden histories, forcing them to confront both external threats and their own deepest fears. As Eun-mi grapples with her newfound powers and her role as the chosen one, Ji-hoon stands steadfastly by her side, their bond deepening amidst the cosmic turmoil. Their love and partnership are tested to the limits as they face an uncertain future, tasked with maintaining the delicate balance of reality.
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