Biosafety protocols for HORECA establishments
APRIL 10th, 2020
Concepts created based on different procedures and recommendations of the WHO and CDC in relation to the pandemic generated by the CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 and after it with respect to food biosecurity to be constantly managed, specially designed for service establishments such as restaurants, hotels, caterings, bars, cafes and nightclubs. Hospitality Operations Coach HOSOPCOACH Cía. Ltda. And the authors reserve the intellectual property on the content of this protocol.
APRIL 10th, 2020
Concepts created based on different procedures and recommendations of the WHO and CDC in relation to the pandemic generated by the CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 and after it with respect to food biosecurity to be constantly managed, specially designed for service establishments such as restaurants, hotels, caterings, bars, cafes and nightclubs. Hospitality Operations Coach HOSOPCOACH Cía. Ltda. And the authors reserve the intellectual property on the content of this protocol.