Barry Bowe stands for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. He became a writer at forty-five after being fired from a lucrative sales management position in Philadelphia in 1987. He moved to the island of St. Croix in the Caribbean and vowed to never again work in the corporate world and to learn the craft of writing. He taught algebra, geometry, and trigonometry at Country Day School, an exclusive private school, and he moonlighted as a bartender while taking correspondence courses in writing. He eventually landed a sports writing job with the territory's Daily News. As the only sports writer on the island, he covered soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, horse racing, yacht racing, boxing, golf, tennis, sailboarding, fishing, and croquet. Born to Be Wild was originally published by Warner Books in 1994 and consisted of 80,000 words and became a Main Selection of Doubleday's Book of the Month Club and was translated into German under the title: Der Wilde. At that point, Barry Bowe quit writing for the next twenty years to devote his life to betting on racehorses and delivering pizza. In 2014, the passion to create returned and he revised the original version of Born to Be Wild by restoring the 40,000 words that he'd been forced to delete by the publisher to conserve space the first time around. The revised version is 124,600 words long. Since then, he published 1964 - The Year the Phillies Blew the Pennant and 12 Best Eagles QBs. More on the drawing board for 2015.