"For anyone seeking to understand Chinese involvement in Africa this book is an essential read. It is valuable for its application of a range of theoretical approaches in specific contexts, its balanced judgements and detailed case studies. Above all, it will be seriously useful for Africanists seeking to know more about the complexities of China itself as an actor, or complex of actors, on the African stage." The Round Table
"The main strength of the book resides in the multi-scalar analysis provided by the three authors. From inter-personal relations to multilateral trade deals, the authors cover in a rather exhaustive fashion all facets of the relationship . . . This a very useful volume for scholars, policy-makers and activists engaging with Chinese African relations and with questions of China's geopolitical and developmental responsibilities towards Africa." Area
"Marcus Power, Giles Mohan and May Tan-Mullins provide an accomplished academic work in China's Resource Diplomacy in Africa. Theoretically oriented but anchored empirically in the cases of Ghana and Angola, this is attuned particularly well to evelopment politics within a global political economy framework." - The Journal of Modern African Studies
"The main strength of the book resides in the multi-scalar analysis provided by the three authors. From inter-personal relations to multilateral trade deals, the authors cover in a rather exhaustive fashion all facets of the relationship . . . This a very useful volume for scholars, policy-makers and activists engaging with Chinese African relations and with questions of China's geopolitical and developmental responsibilities towards Africa." Area
"Marcus Power, Giles Mohan and May Tan-Mullins provide an accomplished academic work in China's Resource Diplomacy in Africa. Theoretically oriented but anchored empirically in the cases of Ghana and Angola, this is attuned particularly well to evelopment politics within a global political economy framework." - The Journal of Modern African Studies