Earn College Credit with REA's Test Prep for CLEP* Spanish LanguageEverything you need to pass the exam and get the college credit you deserve.Our test prep for CLEP* Spanish Language and the free online tools that come with it, will allow you to create a personalized CLEP* study plan that can be customized to fit you: your schedule, your learning style, and your current level of knowledge.Here's how it works:Most complete subject review for CLEP* Spanish Language Our targeted review covers all the material you'll be expected to know for the exam and includes a glossary of must-know terms.Two full-length practice examsThe online REA Study Center gives you two full-length practice tests and the most powerful scoring analysis and diagnostic tools available today. Instant score reports help you zero in on the CLEP* Spanish Language topics that give you trouble now and show you how to arrive at the correct answer-so you'll be prepared on test day.Online Audio ComponentAn online integrated listening test covering the two listening sections helps you practice what you've learned. REA is the acknowledged leader in CLEP* preparation, with the most extensive library of CLEP* titles available. Our test preps for CLEP* exams help you earn valuable college credit, save on tuition, and get a head start on your college degree.