Helene Raskin White, PhD, is Professor II of Sociology, with joint appointments in the Center of Alcohol Studies and the Department of Sociology, and Deputy Director of the Center for Behavioral Health Services and Criminal Justice Research at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her research focuses on the etiology, development, consequences, and comorbidity of substance use and other problem behaviors (e.g., violence, crime, and mental health problems) over the life course. She also develops, implements, and evaluates brief substance use interventions for college students. David L. Rabiner, PhD, is Associate Director of the Center for Child and Family Policy and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University. His recent work focuses on interventions to improve academic performance in children with attention difficulties and a variety of other issues related to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including the nonmedical use of ADHD medications by college students.
College Drinking and Drug Use: Introductory Comments, Helene Raskin White
and David L. RabinerI. The Scope of the Problem 1. Historical and
Developmental Patterns of Alcohol and Drug Use among College Students:
Framing the Problem, John E. Schulenberg and Megan E. Patrick 2. Use,
Misuse, and Diversion of Scheduled Prescription Medications by College
Students, Sean Esteban McCabe, James A. Cranford, Christian J. Teter, David
L. Rabiner, and Carol J. BoydII. Biological and Neuropsychological Aspects
of Substance Use 3. Chronic Effects of Heavy Alcohol and Marijuana Use on
the Brain and Cognition in Adolescents and Young Adults, Krista M. Lisdahl
and Susan Tapert 4. Emotional Dysregulation in the Moment: Why Some College
Students May Not Mature Out of Hazardous Alcohol and Drug Use, Marsha E.
Bates and Jennifer F. BuckmanIII. Psychological and Social Aspects of
Substance Use 5. Drinking in College Students and Their Age Peers: The Role
of Anticipatory Processes, Richard R. Reich and Mark S. Goldman 6. The
Effects of Alcohol on Other Behavioral Risks, Kim Fromme and Patrick D.
Quinn 7. Personality and Contextual Factors in College Students' Drinking,
Alvaro Vergés and Kenneth J. SherIV. Prevention and Intervention Strategies
8. Brief Individual-Focused Alcohol Interventions for College Students,
Jessica M. Cronce and Mary E. Larimer 9. Brief Interventions for Marijuana
Use, Scott T. Walters, Christine M. Lee, and Denise D. Walker 10. Alcohol
Interventions for College Student-Athletes, Matthew P. Martens 11.
Community and Environmental Prevention Interventions, Robert F. Saltz 12.
The Impact of College Student Substance Use: Working with Students on
Campus, Jason R. Kilmer and Shannon K. Bailie 13. Campus Recovery Programs,
Lisa Laitman and Lea P. StewartV. Policy Issues 14. The Minimum Legal
Drinking Age: 21 as an Artifact, Philip J. Cook and Maeve E. Gearing 15.
Balancing Cost and Benefits of the Minimum Legal Drinking Age: A Response
to Cook and Gearing, Robert F. Saltz and James C. Fell