Is an urban based approach to mission still relevant in a networked global society? If so, what is particular about the urban context for the heart of God's mission?
How is that mission understood in terms of evangelism and proclamation; sin and salvation; the work of the sacraments and the Holy Spirit; and challenge of Christ in the lives of his followers?
How is that mission understood in terms of evangelism and proclamation; sin and salvation; the work of the sacraments and the Holy Spirit; and challenge of Christ in the lives of his followers?
Theological reflection, case studies and new insights come together as practitioners, theologians and urban clergy reflect on the presence of the Church in urban communities. Crossover City confronts the theological priorities of the Church as it attempts to hold the tensions between expectations of its partnership in social regeneration and welfare and its prophetic voice through its continued and transformative presence in marginalized communities. It challenges the way theology is often done in isolated factions that deny openness and collaboration which must underpin the transformative mission our urban areas cry out for.
Critical reading for those in theological training and parish ministry seeking resources for a creative and radical witness in our increasingly urban world.