Series Summary:
In this captivating fantasy series, a powerful Goddess named Nemala awakens to a world filled with betrayal and torment. Betrayed by her husband and sister, she takes desperate measures to save her immortal soul, scattering her fragments into the heavens. This act sets the stage for a collection of captivating romances and encounters with an array of intriguing characters, including warlords, knights, criminals, and deities.
Book 2: Deviance - Nemala, known as Mala, is an Elven outcast, shrouded in mystery and tragedy. Accused of being cursed and blamed for her mother's death, she carries the weight of a dark heritage. Whispers among the high elves suggest a mysterious origin, with some claiming she is a bastard and others believing she bears the mark of the dark lord himself. Her unique appearance, resembling parched earth, only deepens the enigma surrounding her. "Deviance" delves into sensitive and challenging themes such as abuse, and other deviant activities.
Written in a conversational format with a unique twist, the book immerses readers in a medieval-like world, offering a more casual and informal writing style that adds depth to the story. The narrative eschews traditional grammar rules and structure, presenting a natural and freestyle approach to storytelling.
Books in this Series:
1. Pride - Micah & Nemala
2. Deviance - Drinus & Nemala
3. Endurance - Cresci & Nemala
4. Passion - Zhen & Nemala
5. The Empress Returns - Malhuia & Nemala (bisexual reverse harem)
Stand-alone TBD: The Dark Temptress - Ny'shayla, the granddaughter of Nemala and Micah, has her own tale waiting to be told.
Step into a world of intrigue, passion, and redemption as Nemala's journey unfolds across this spellbinding series.
In this captivating fantasy series, a powerful Goddess named Nemala awakens to a world filled with betrayal and torment. Betrayed by her husband and sister, she takes desperate measures to save her immortal soul, scattering her fragments into the heavens. This act sets the stage for a collection of captivating romances and encounters with an array of intriguing characters, including warlords, knights, criminals, and deities.
Book 2: Deviance - Nemala, known as Mala, is an Elven outcast, shrouded in mystery and tragedy. Accused of being cursed and blamed for her mother's death, she carries the weight of a dark heritage. Whispers among the high elves suggest a mysterious origin, with some claiming she is a bastard and others believing she bears the mark of the dark lord himself. Her unique appearance, resembling parched earth, only deepens the enigma surrounding her. "Deviance" delves into sensitive and challenging themes such as abuse, and other deviant activities.
Written in a conversational format with a unique twist, the book immerses readers in a medieval-like world, offering a more casual and informal writing style that adds depth to the story. The narrative eschews traditional grammar rules and structure, presenting a natural and freestyle approach to storytelling.
Books in this Series:
1. Pride - Micah & Nemala
2. Deviance - Drinus & Nemala
3. Endurance - Cresci & Nemala
4. Passion - Zhen & Nemala
5. The Empress Returns - Malhuia & Nemala (bisexual reverse harem)
Stand-alone TBD: The Dark Temptress - Ny'shayla, the granddaughter of Nemala and Micah, has her own tale waiting to be told.
Step into a world of intrigue, passion, and redemption as Nemala's journey unfolds across this spellbinding series.
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