Abercrombie, Patrick; Abu-Lughod, Janet; accessible city; Acropolis; Adams, Thomas; adaptive reuse; Addams, Jane; advocacy planning; agora; air rights; Alberti, Leon Battista; Alexander, Christopher; Alinsky, Saul; alley; Alonso, William; alternative dispute resolution (ADR); Altshuler, Alan; annexation; Appleyard, Donald; Architectural Review Board; back-to-the-city movement; Bacon, Edmund; balanced community; Banfield, Edward; Barnett, Jonathan; baroque city; barrio; Barthes, Roland; Bartholomew, Harland; Bauer, Catherine; beaux arts school; Bell, Daniel; Bell, Wendell; benchmarking; Benevolo, Leonardo; Benjamin, Walter; Berry, Brian J.L.; blight; Blumenfeld, Hans; bonus zoning; boosterism; Booth, Charles; borderless society; boss; boulevard; bourgeois; Bourne, Larry; Boyer, M. Christine; Braudel, Fernand; Briggs, Asa; brownfields; Burnham, Daniel; bustee; Calthorpe, Peter; Calvino, Italo; capacity building; capital accumulation; capital facility planning; capitalist city; cartesian city; Castells, Manuel; Categorical Grant Program; central city; central place theory; centralization; Cerda, Ildefonso; Charter of Athens; Chicago School of Sociology; Choay, Francoise; Christaller, Walter; citadel; cities and film; cities and the arts; cities in literature; cities of difference; citistates; citizenship; city; city beautiful movement; City of Ur; city typologies; civil rights movement; civil society; classicism; closed circuit television (cCTV); coastal management; cognitive mapping; co-housing; colonial city; communitas; community; community conflict resolution; community development block grant; Community Development Corporation (CDC); community goal setting; community policing; community power structure; community visioning; community-based financing; commuters; compact development; condominiums; congestion; conurbation; convention centers; cooperative housing; Costa, Lucio; council housing; courtyard; crime; critical coalition; cross-border region; Cullen, Gordon; cultural heritage; cultural identity; culture; cybercity; Dahl, Robert; Davidoff, Paul; de Certeau, Michel; decentralization; defensible space; demography; density; density bonus; dependency theory; desegregation; development agreements; digital divide; digital government; direct democracy; discrimination; disinvestment; Disney environments; dispersion; divided cities; docklands; dot density map; downtown; Doxiades, Constantinos; drugs; Duany, Andres; DuBois, W.E.B.; economic clusters; economic polarization; economic restructuring; economies of scale; eco-villages; ecumenopolis; education and the city; ekistics; eminent domain; empowerment zone; Engels, Friedrich; environment and the city; environmental behavior; environmental design; environmental impact assessment; environmental justice; environmental perception; environmental sociology; envisionment and discovery collaboratory; equity planning; ethnic conflict; ethnic enclaves; ethno-class relations; European square; exactions; exclusionary zoning; exopolis; export base theory; expropriation; externalities; exurbia; facade preservation; fair share housing allocation; favela; feminist theory; festival marketplaces; festivals; filtering process; fiscal impact analysis; fiscal zoning; floor-area-ratio; Ford, George B.; foreign investment; foreign trade zones; Forester, John; fortified cities; Foucault, Michel; Friedmann, John; frostbelt; gangs; Gans, Herbert; garden city; Garnier, Tony; Garreau, Joel; gated communities; gecekondu; Geddes, Patrick; gemeinschaft; gender discrimination; gender equity planning; gendered spaces; general plan; gentrification; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); George, Henry; gesellschaft; ghetto; Giddens, Anthony; global city; glocalization; Good Government Movement; Goodman, Robert; Goto, Shinpei; Gottman, Jean; governance; graffiti; great society; greenbelts; Gropius, Walter; group home; growth machine; growth management; growth poles; Gruen, Victor; HABITAT 96; Hall, Edward T.; Hall, Sir Peter; Harris, Britton; Harris, Chauncy; Harvey, David; Haussmann, Baron Georges-Eugene; Hayden, Dolores; healthy city; heterotopias; high-occupancy vehicle lanes; high-rise housing estates; hinterland; historic city; historic districts; historic preservation; home rule; homelessness; homeowners' association; homophobia; housing discrimination; housing for specific needs; housing markets; housing societies; housing vouchers; Howard, Ebenezer; human capital; human ecology; humane city; Huxtable, Ada Louise; hygeia; image of the city; immigration; imperial cities; inclusionary housing; incrementalism; index of dissimilarity; industrial city; Industrial Revolution; industrialization; infill development; informal sector; informational city; infrastructure; input-output analysis; insurance redlining; intelligent transport systems; internal structure of the city; international expositions/world fairs; Internet; Ishikawa, Eiyo; Jackson, John Brinckerhoff; Jacobs, Allan B.; Jacobs, Jane (nee Butzner); Kahn, Louis; Kelley, Florence; Kent, Thomas J., Jr. (Jack); Koolhaas, Rem; Krier, Leon; Krier, Rob; Kropotkin, Peter; Krumholz, Norman; L'Enfant, Pierre; labor markets; land banking; land speculation; land trusts; land value capture; latch-key kids; Laws of the Indies; Le Corbusier; Lefebvre, Henri; Lewis, Oscar; Liebow, Elliot; linear city; linkage fees; livable city; locally unwanted land use (LULU); Los Angeles School of Urban Studies; luna parks; Lynch, Kevin; Lyotard, Jean-Francois; MacKaye, Benton; main streets; manufacturing city; maquiladoras; Marsh, Benjamin Clark; mass transit; McHarg, Ian; medieval cities; megacity; megalopolis; melting pot; mercantile city; meta-urbanism; metropolitan statistical area; Meyerson, Martin; Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig; migration; model cities; modernism; Mollenkopf, John; mono-centric city; monuments; Morris, William; Moses, Robert; Moynihan, Daniel Patrick; multi-centric cities; multi-functional urban land use; Mumford, Lewis; Nash, John; necropolis; Negroponte, Nicholas; neighborhood; Neighborhood Watch; New Charter of Athens; new economy; New Federalism; new urbanism; noise; Nolen, John; non-profits and urban services; non-sexist city; not in my back yard (NIMBY); nuclear family; Olmsted, Frederick Law, Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr., and Olmsted, John C.; open space; Park, Robert E.; parks; pedestrian mall; pedestrian pocket; Peirce, Neal; performance measurement; Perry, Clarence Arthur; Pirenne, Henri; place; Planning Commission; Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth; police power; polis; political economy; polycentric city; popular culture and cities; populism; port city; Portes, Alejandro; post-fordist system of production; postmodernism; post-socialist city; poverty; principles of intelligent urbanism; privatization; progressive planners; property rights; Pruitt-Igoe; psychogeography; public art; public health surveillance; public space; public/private partnerships; quartered city; radiant city; Rapoport, Amos; redevelopment; red-light districts; redlining; regional planning; renaissance city; rent control; restorative justice; ribbon development; Riis, Jacob; riots; Robinson, Charles Mulford; Rossi, Aldo; Rouse, James; Rowe, Colin; Rykwert, Joseph; safe city; Sandercock, Leonie; Sassen, Saskia; satellite towns; science parks; Scott Brown, Denise; Scully, Vincent J.; segregation; sense of community; sense of place; sexually transmitted diseases; Shevky, Eshref; shopping malls; sidewalks; Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury; Simmel, Georg; site value taxation; Sitte, Camillo; skid row; slum; Smart Community; smart growth; social area analysis; social capital; social ecology; social housing; social inequality; social justice; social polarization; socialist city; Soleri, Paolo; Soria y Mata, Arturo; Sorkin, Michael; spatial mismatch; spatial planning; sprawl; squatter settlements; stadia; Stein, Clarence; strategic planning; street people; streetcar suburbs; streets; streetscapes; subdivision; suburb; suburbanization; sunbelt; surveillance; susceptability-to-change (STC); sustainable urban development; Sutcliffe, Anthony; SWOT Analysis; Takayama, Eika; Tange, Kenzo; tax abatements; tax increment financing; technoburbs; techno-city; technopoles; telecommuting; tenements; theme places; theory of demographic transition; third world cities; Tiebout Hypothesis; Tiebout, Charles; Toffler, Alvin; tourism; traffic calming; transfer of development rights; transit-oriented development; transportation and the environment; Tugwell, Rexford; Tyrwhitt, Mary Jaqueline; Ullman, Edward; uneven economic development; urban; urban agriculture; urban crisis; urban decline; urban design; urban ecology; urban forestry; urban form; urban growth boundary; urban homesteading; urban identity; urban indices; urban planning; urban primacy; urban regeneration; urban regime theory; urban renaissance; urban restructuring; urban revitalization; urban sociology; urban squalor; urban stress; urban studies; urban underclass; urban village; urbanism; urbanity; urbanization; urban-rural tension; utopia; van Esteren, Cornelius; vandalism; Veiller, Lawrence; Venturi, Robert; vernacular architecture; victory garden; view corridors; visual preferences; Wade, Richard C.; walking city; walled cities; war; war on poverty; Warner Jr., Sam Bass; waterfront development; Webber, Melvin; Weber, Max; welfare to work; white flight; Whyte, William H.; Willmott, Peter; Wilson, William Julius; Wirth, Louis; Woods, Robert Archey; world bank; world city hypothesis; Wren, Sir Christopher; Wright, Frank Lloyd; Young, Michael; zero tolerance; zoning (cCTV); coastal management; cognitive mapping; co-housing; colonial city; communitas; community; community conflict resolution; community development block grant; Community Development Corporation (CDC); community goal setting; community policing; community power structure; community visioning; community-based financing; commuters; compact development; condominiums; congestion; conurbation; convention centers; cooperative housing; Costa, Lucio; council housing; courtyard; crime; critical coalition; cross-border region; Cullen, Gordon; cultural heritage; cultural identity; culture; cybercity; Dahl, Robert; Davidoff, Paul; de Certeau, Michel; decentralization; defensible space; demography; density; density bonus; dependency theory; desegregation; development agreements; digital divide; digital government; direct democracy; discrimination; disinvestment; Disney environments; dispersion; divided cities; docklands; dot density map; downtown; Doxiades, Constantinos; drugs; Duany, Andres; DuBois, W.E.B.; economic clusters; economic polarization; economic restructuring; economies of scale; eco-villages; ecumenopolis; education and the city; ekistics; eminent domain; empowerment zone; Engels, Friedrich; environment and the city; environmental behavior; environmental design; environmental impact assessment; environmental justice; environmental perception; environmental sociology; envisionment and discovery collaboratory; equity planning; ethnic conflict; ethnic enclaves; ethno-class relations; European square; exactions; exclusionary zoning; exopolis; export base theory; expropriation; externalities; exurbia; facade preservation; fair share housing allocation; favela; feminist theory; festival marketplaces; festivals; filtering process; fiscal impact analysis; fiscal zoning; floor-area-ratio; Ford, George B.; foreign investment; foreign trade zones; Forester, John; fortified cities; Foucault, Michel; Friedmann, John; frostbelt; gangs; Gans, Herbert; garden city; Garnier, Tony; Garreau, Joel; gated communities; gecekondu; Geddes, Patrick; gemeinschaft; gender discrimination; gender equity planning; gendered spaces; general plan; gentrification; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); George, Henry; gesellschaft; ghetto; Giddens, Anthony; global city; glocalization; Good Government Movement; Goodman, Robert; Goto, Shinpei; Gottman, Jean; governance; graffiti; great society; greenbelts; Gropius, Walter; group home; growth machine; growth management; growth poles; Gruen, Victor; HABITAT 96; Hall, Edward T.; Hall, Sir Peter; Harris, Britton; Harris, Chauncy; Harvey, David; Haussmann, Baron Georges-Eugene; Hayden, Dolores; healthy city; heterotopias; high-occupancy vehicle lanes; high-rise housing estates; hinterland; historic city; historic districts; historic preservation; home rule; homelessness; homeowners' association; homophobia; housing discrimination; housing for specific needs; housing markets; housing societies; housing vouchers; Howard, Ebenezer; human capital; human ecology; humane city; Huxtable, Ada Louise; hygeia; image of the city; immigration; imperial cities; inclusionary housing; incrementalism; index of dissimilarity; industrial city; Industrial Revolution; industrialization; infill development; informal sector; informational city; infrastructure; input-output analysis; insurance redlining; intelligent transport systems; internal structure of the city; international expositions/world fairs; Internet; Ishikawa, Eiyo; Jackson, John Brinckerhoff; Jacobs, Allan B.; Jacobs, Jane (nee Butzner); Kahn, Louis; Kelley, Florence; Kent, Thomas J., Jr. (Jack); Koolhaas, Rem; Krier, Leon; Krier, Rob; Kropotkin, Peter; Krumholz, Norman; L'Enfant, Pierre; labor markets; land banking; land speculation; land trusts; land value capture; latch-key kids; Laws of the Indies; Le Corbusier; Lefebvre, Henri; Lewis, Oscar; Liebow, Elliot; linear city; linkage fees; livable city; locally unwanted land use (LULU); Los Angeles School of Urban Studies; luna parks; Lynch, Kevin; Lyotard, Jean-Francois; MacKaye, Benton; main streets; manufacturing city; maquiladoras; Marsh, Benjamin Clark; mass transit; McHarg, Ian; medieval cities; megacity; megalopolis; melting pot; mercantile city; meta-urbanism; metropolitan statistical area; Meyerson, Martin; Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig; migration; model cities; modernism; Mollenkopf, John; mono-centric city; monuments; Morris, William; Moses, Robert; Moynihan, Daniel Patrick; multi-centric cities; multi-functional urban land use; Mumford, Lewis; Nash, John; necropolis; Negroponte, Nicholas; neighborhood; Neighborhood Watch; New Charter of Athens; new economy; New Federalism; new urbanism; noise; Nolen, John; non-profits and urban services; non-sexist city; not in my back yard (NIMBY); nuclear family; Olmsted, Frederick Law, Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr., and Olmsted, John C.; open space; Park, Robert E.; parks; pedestrian mall; pedestrian pocket; Peirce, Neal; performance measurement; Perry, Clarence Arthur; Pirenne, Henri; place; Planning Commission; Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth; police power; polis; political economy; polycentric city; popular culture and cities; populism; port city; Portes, Alejandro; post-fordist system of production; postmodernism; post-socialist city; poverty; principles of intelligent urbanism; privatization; progressive planners; property rights; Pruitt-Igoe; psychogeography; public art; public health surveillance; public space; public/private partnerships; quartered city; radiant city; Rapoport, Amos; redevelopment; red-light districts; redlining; regional planning; renaissance city; rent control; restorative justice; ribbon development; Riis, Jacob; riots; Robinson, Charles Mulford; Rossi, Aldo; Rouse, James; Rowe, Colin; Rykwert, Joseph; safe city; Sandercock, Leonie; Sassen, Saskia; satellite towns; science parks; Scott Brown, Denise; Scully, Vincent J.; segregation; sense of community; sense of place; sexually transmitted diseases; Shevky, Eshref; shopping malls; sidewalks; Simkhovitch, Mary Kingsbury; Simmel, Georg; site value taxation; Sitte, Camillo; skid row; slum; Smart Community; smart growth; social area analysis; social capital; social ecology; social housing; social inequality; social justice; social polarization; socialist city; Soleri, Paolo; Soria y Mata, Arturo; Sorkin, Michael; spatial mismatch; spatial planning; sprawl; squatter settlements; stadia; Stein, Clarence; strategic planning; street people; streetcar suburbs; streets; streetscapes; subdivision; suburb; suburbanization; sunbelt; surveillance; susceptability-to-change (STC); sustainable urban development; Sutcliffe, Anthony; SWOT Analysis; Takayama, Eika; Tange, Kenzo; tax abatements; tax increment financing; technoburbs; techno-city; technopoles; telecommuting; tenements; theme places; theory of demographic transition; third world cities; Tiebout Hypothesis; Tiebout, Charles; Toffler, Alvin; tourism; traffic calming; transfer of development rights; transit-oriented development; transportation and the environment; Tugwell, Rexford; Tyrwhitt, Mary Jaqueline; Ullman, Edward; uneven economic development; urban; urban agriculture; urban crisis; urban decline; urban design; urban ecology; urban forestry; urban form; urban growth boundary; urban homesteading; urban identity; urban indices; urban planning; urban primacy; urban regeneration; urban regime theory; urban renaissance; urban restructuring; urban revitalization; urban sociology; urban squalor; urban stress; urban studies; urban underclass; urban village; urbanism; urbanity; urbanization; urban-rural tension; utopia; van Esteren, Cornelius; vandalism; Veiller, Lawrence; Venturi, Robert; vernacular architecture; victory garden; view corridors; visual preferences; Wade, Richard C.; walking city; walled cities; war; war on poverty; Warner Jr., Sam Bass; waterfront development; Webber, Melvin; Weber, Max; welfare to work; white flight; Whyte, William H.; Willmott, Peter; Wilson, William Julius; Wirth, Louis; Woods, Robert Archey; world bank; world city hypothesis; Wren, Sir Christopher; Wright, Frank Lloyd; Young, Michael; zero tolerance; zoning