Title: "Three Choros" by Zequinha De Abreu (Composer of "Tico Tico")
Arrangement: For Intermediate/Advanced Euphonium or Trombone (Bass Clef) with Intermediate Piano Accompaniment
Duration: Approximately 7 minutes
Contents: Levanta Poeira Os Pintinhos No Terreiro Sururu Na Cidade
Note: The piano accompaniment is available as part of this series. For an audio demonstration, please scan the QR code found on the cover or explore our website at www.glissato.it.
Product Code: EG1441
Arrangement: For Intermediate/Advanced Euphonium or Trombone (Bass Clef) with Intermediate Piano Accompaniment
Duration: Approximately 7 minutes
Contents: Levanta Poeira Os Pintinhos No Terreiro Sururu Na Cidade
Note: The piano accompaniment is available as part of this series. For an audio demonstration, please scan the QR code found on the cover or explore our website at www.glissato.it.
Product Code: EG1441
- Promoting the global resonance of music, this edition provides multilingual guide sheets specifically tailored for concert presentations in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.About Choro: