This narrative unfolds as a tale of love entwining the lives of two individuals: Saichi Nishimoto, a young Japanese boy, and Sarah Koon, a girl of Caucasian descent. Unfortunately, Sarah's parents harbor prejudices against Saichi due to his Japanese background, referring to him with a derogatory term. Their efforts to maintain distance between the two persist for a span of fourteen years. Meanwhile, Saichi's journey leads him to attain fame as a distinguished neurosurgeon.
After the passage of these fourteen years, destiny brings Saichi and Sarah back together. Within this reunion, a poignant revelation awaits: Saichi comes face to face with the remarkable son he fathered during a spontaneous encounter with Sarah on their last shared night.
After the passage of these fourteen years, destiny brings Saichi and Sarah back together. Within this reunion, a poignant revelation awaits: Saichi comes face to face with the remarkable son he fathered during a spontaneous encounter with Sarah on their last shared night.
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