Set in and around Baltimore, Maryland, during the final year of the War of 1812, the story revolves around Mary Pickersgill, the flag maker who was commissioned to sew the oversized garrison flag that flew over Fort McHenry, hence to be known as the Star-Spangled Banner. At the same time, in the small hamlet of Upper Marlboro, three friendsLiam OConnor, Nathaniel Atkinson, and Malcolm Dalrympleset out on adventures of their own, setting out to free their friend, the elderly Dr. William Beanes, who has been imprisoned by the British for espionage. Along the way, they will become ensnared in the war, which has now centered around Baltimore; and they will interact with some of the more colorful historic figures of the time, including the lawyer who penned the words to our national anthemFrancis Scott Key.
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