The twisted trail of blood!
Slicing and stabbing hand-to-hand for the bloody booty of war. Ramming a hijacked truck through the hell of enemy lines. Escaping over water made choppy by hot Japanese bullets. Defending a cave full of frightened American nurses from a brutal onslaught of killers. The Rat Bastards fight on, turning New Guinea into an island of savage slaughter. They'll take on their own top brass, ten roll flat the whole Jap army. For them, war isn't everything. It's the only thing ... the Rat Bastards.
Originally published under the pen name John Mackie
Len Levinson served on active duty in the US Army from 1954 to 1957 and graduated from Michigan State University with a BA in social science. He relocated to New York that year and worked as an advertising copywriter and public relations executive before becoming a full-time novelist. He created and wrote a number of series, including the Apache Wars Saga, the Pecos Kid, and the Rat Bastards. He has more than eighty published titles to his credit. After many years in New York, he moved to a small town in rural Illinois surrounded by corn and soybean fields, a peaceful, ideal location for a writer.
Slicing and stabbing hand-to-hand for the bloody booty of war. Ramming a hijacked truck through the hell of enemy lines. Escaping over water made choppy by hot Japanese bullets. Defending a cave full of frightened American nurses from a brutal onslaught of killers. The Rat Bastards fight on, turning New Guinea into an island of savage slaughter. They'll take on their own top brass, ten roll flat the whole Jap army. For them, war isn't everything. It's the only thing ... the Rat Bastards.
Originally published under the pen name John Mackie
Len Levinson served on active duty in the US Army from 1954 to 1957 and graduated from Michigan State University with a BA in social science. He relocated to New York that year and worked as an advertising copywriter and public relations executive before becoming a full-time novelist. He created and wrote a number of series, including the Apache Wars Saga, the Pecos Kid, and the Rat Bastards. He has more than eighty published titles to his credit. After many years in New York, he moved to a small town in rural Illinois surrounded by corn and soybean fields, a peaceful, ideal location for a writer.