- Volume 1.- [82] Moscow 1935: Topology Moving Toward America.- 1 Graphs and Combinatorics.- [3] A theorem on graphs, Annals of Math. (2) v. 32, 1931,378-390.- [5] Non-separable and planar graphs, AMS Transac. v. 34, 1932, 339-362.- [6] Congruent graphs and the connectivity of graphs, Am. Jour. Math. v. 54, 1932, 150-168.- [10] The coloring of graphs, Annals of Math., (2) v. 33, 1932, 688-718.- [12] A set of topological invariants for graphs, Am. Jour. Math., v. 55, 1933, 231-235.- [13] On the classification of graphs, Am. Jour. Math., v. 55, 1933, 236-244.- [14] 2-Isomorphic graphs, Am. Jour. Math., v. 55, 1933, 245-254.- [17] Planar graphs, Fundamenta Math., V. 21, 1933, 73-84.- [23] On the abstract properties of linear dependence, Am. Jour. Math., v. 57, 1935, 509-533.- [37] A numerical equivalent of the four color problem, Monatshefte fur Math, un Phys. 3, 1937-207-213.- [77] On reducibility in the four color problem, unpublished manuscript, 1971.- [78] (With W. T. Tutte) Kempe chains and the four colour problem, Utilitas Mathematica 2(1972), 241-281.- 2 Differentiable Functions and Singularities.- [18] Analytic extensions of differentiable functions defined in closed sets, AMS Transac., v. 36, 1934, 63-89.- [19] Derivatives, difference quotients and Taylor's formula, AMS Bull., v. 40, 1934, 89-94.- [20] Differentiable functions defined in closed sets I, AMS Transac., v. 36, 1934, 369-387.- [21] Derivatives, difference quotients and Taylor's formula II, Annals of Math. (2) v. 35, 1934, 476-481.- [22] Functions differentiable on the boundaries of regions, Annals of Math. (2) v. 35, 1934, 482-485.- [26] A function not constant on a connected set of critical points, Duke Math. J., v. 1, 1935, 514-517.- [27] Differentiablefunctions defined in arbitrary subsets of Euclidean space, AMS Transac., v. 40, 1936, 309-317.- [45] Differentiability of the remainder term in Taylor's formula, Duke Math. J., 10, 1943, 153-158.- [46] Differentiable even functions, Duke Math. J., 10, 1943, 159-160.- [47] The general type of singularity of a set of 2n ? 1 smooth functions of n variables, Duke Math. J., 10, 1943, 161-172.- [49] On the extension of differentiable functions, AMS Bull., 50, 1944, 76-81.- [55] On ideals of differentiable functions, Am. Jour. Math. 70, 1948, 635-658.- [61] On totally differentiable and smooth functions, Pacific J. Math. 1, 1951, 143-159.- [63] On singularities of mappings of Euclidean spaces, I. Mappings of the plane into the plane, Annals of Math. (2)62, 1955, 374-410.- [64] On functions with bounded n-th differences, J. de Maths. Pures et Appl. 36, 1957, 67-95.- [67] Singularities of mappings of Euclidean spaces, Symposium Internacional de Topologia Algebraica, Mexico, 1956, 285-301, Mexico, La Universidad Nacional Autonoma, 1958.- [70] On bounded functions with bounded n-th differences, AMS Proc. 10, 1959, 480-481.- 3 Analytic Spaces.- [66] Elementary structure of real algebraic varieties, Annals of Math. (2) 66, 1957, 545-556.- [68] (With F. Bruhat) Quelques propriétés fondamentales des ensembles analytiques-réels, Comm. Math. Helv. 33, 1959, 132-160.- [73] Local properties of analytic varieties, in: differential and combinatorial topology (Symposium in Honor of Marston Morse), Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1965, 205-244.- [74] Tangents to an analytic variety, Annals of Math (2) 81, 1965, 496-549.- Permissions.