"Hop-Frog" is a gripping tale by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1849 and now in the public domain. This dark and thought-provoking story follows Hop-Frog, a court jester and dwarf, who exacts a clever and fiery revenge on a tyrannical king and his corrupt courtiers. Combining Poe’s signature elements of psychological depth, suspense, and macabre, Hop-Frog explores themes of justice, resilience, and the power of wit against oppression.
This edition has been carefully formatted for digital publication, preserving the original text to enhance readability on modern devices. Dive into this timeless classic and experience the genius of Edgar Allan Poe like never before.
This edition has been carefully formatted for digital publication, preserving the original text to enhance readability on modern devices. Dive into this timeless classic and experience the genius of Edgar Allan Poe like never before.