Hello, all Chinese-loving students. The writing part of HSK Level 5 "Writing Short Essays" (combining the 5 given words and writing a short essay of about 80 characters) is the key difficult point. In order to write this short essay, you must focus on the accumulation of materials and continuous practice.Here, we provide some examples that are in line with the actual situation in China today, and hope to be helpful to everyone. We also wish all e students to pass the exam successfully!
各位爱好汉语的同学们,大家好。HSK五级书写 部分《写短⽂》(结合给定的词语,写⼀篇八十字左右的短文)既是重点也是难点,想要写好这篇短文,需要平时注重素材的积累与 不断地练习。在这里,我们提供了⼀些当今中国最鲜活的⽣活实例, 希望通过这些短文能够让大家更加了解中国,也祝愿同学们顺利通 过考试!
各位爱好汉语的同学们,大家好。HSK五级书写 部分《写短⽂》(结合给定的词语,写⼀篇八十字左右的短文)既是重点也是难点,想要写好这篇短文,需要平时注重素材的积累与 不断地练习。在这里,我们提供了⼀些当今中国最鲜活的⽣活实例, 希望通过这些短文能够让大家更加了解中国,也祝愿同学们顺利通 过考试!