Presenting the first entry in the Infinite Genesis Universe, a series of interconnected stories set in a world of vigilantes and superpowers...
After an experimental artificial gravity engine fails catastrophically, Dr Ami Nyang develops incredible abilities. The city of Colchester is under siege from people with prodigious strength, and a mysterious figure with powers of their own is responsible for unleashing them. With her newfound powers, Ami sets out to protect her adopted home whilst battling guilt and false accusations following the deadly accident. As she fights the architect of this chaos, Ami's choices will change the world forever. Welcome to the first story of the Infinite Genesis Universe.
After an experimental artificial gravity engine fails catastrophically, Dr Ami Nyang develops incredible abilities. The city of Colchester is under siege from people with prodigious strength, and a mysterious figure with powers of their own is responsible for unleashing them. With her newfound powers, Ami sets out to protect her adopted home whilst battling guilt and false accusations following the deadly accident. As she fights the architect of this chaos, Ami's choices will change the world forever. Welcome to the first story of the Infinite Genesis Universe.
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