Part: 1, introduction.- Part 2: Applications of Information Geometry, Shunichi Amari, Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Masafumi Oizumi, Geometry of Information Integration.- Nils Bertschinger, Juergen Jost, Eckehard Olbrich and David Wolpert, Information geometry and game theory.- Sumio Watanabe, Higher order equivalence of Bayes cross validation and WAIC.- Guido Montufar, Restricted Boltzmann Machines: Introduction and Review.- Part 3: Innite-dimensional Information Geometry, Giovanni Pistone, Information Geometry of the Gaussian Space.- Lorenz Schwachhofer, Nihat Ay, Jurgen Jost and Hong Van Le, Congruent families and invariant tensors.- Nigel Newton, Nonlinear Filtering and Information Geometry: a Hilbert Manifold Approach.- Minh Ha Quang, Innite-dimensional Log-Determinant divergences III: Log-Euclidean and Log-Hilbert-Schmidt divergences.- Part 4: Theoretical Aspects of Information Geometry, Peter Harremoes, Entropy on Spin Factors.- Shinto Eguchi, Osamu Komori and Atsumi Ohara, Information geometry associated with generalized means.- Jun Zhang, Codazzi-(Para-)Kahler Geometry.- Atsumi Ohara, Doubly autoparallel structures on the probability simplex.- Akio Fujiwara, Amari-Chentsov's paradox.- Alexander Rylov, Constant curvature connections on statistical models.- Roman Belavkin, Relation between the Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric and the Kullback-Leibler divergence.- Part 5: Quantum Information Geometry, Shunlong Luo and Yuan Sun, Some Inequalities for Wigner-Yanase Skew Information.- Davide Girolami, Information Geometry of Quantum Resources.- Marco Cianciaruso, Irene Frerot, Tommaso Tufarelli, Gerardo Adesso, Maximum local quantum covariances as quantiers of two-sided quantum correlations beyond entanglement.- Attila Andai, The eects of random qubit-qubit quantum channels to entropy gain, delity and trace distance.- Attila Lovas, Robertson-type Uncertainty Principles and Generalized Symmetric and Antisymmetric Covariances.