How natural is religion? Is it a phenomenon written in our genes or brains, naturally developing with the development of the human race? The book
considers the findings of evolutionary psychology from scientific,
philosophical and theological perspectives and critically examines the relation
between empirical, epistemological and theological notions.
Chapters in
the book deal with the naturalness of religion and religious experiences as
based on genetics, biology and social psychology. Other authors examine the
relationship between religion, science and theology with regard to the
naturalness of religion from a more general perspective. The last part of the
book includes views from a Muslim scholar and a historian.
considers the findings of evolutionary psychology from scientific,
philosophical and theological perspectives and critically examines the relation
between empirical, epistemological and theological notions.
Chapters in
the book deal with the naturalness of religion and religious experiences as
based on genetics, biology and social psychology. Other authors examine the
relationship between religion, science and theology with regard to the
naturalness of religion from a more general perspective. The last part of the
book includes views from a Muslim scholar and a historian.