Dear reader, this novel will surprise you with an original plot blending a wedding and a cycling stage race. Prepare yourself to the unexpected!Indeed the characters make choices which are completely at odds with the ones that our society suggests to us in our lives … and they achieve their personal, or communal, successes! So this novel, through fiction, aims to be a manual of best practices, and habits, which can help you solve all your problems in real life.Yes, you can spot a reference to “the 7 habits of highly successful people” by Covey, indeed that wonderful book had been an inspiration to change myself for the better. However, this novel is much different - it describes actions more than habits, characters full of braveness, passion, taste, determination, style … these characters take life as a game to play, they know what they want and they employ every resource they have to achieve the results. You will be surprised by how the character Treasure reaches the success by relying on skills he acquired while travelling. By how Galileo determines a joyful outcome by training in a way opposite to what the majority does. By how Blessed wins by disregarding failures and focusing on good first steps.You can read this book to have fun, as much as the characters, as well as to inspire yourself in employing in your life the solutions the characters show to you.This book is a life style, like happiness.