The proprietor of "Hazel's Haven," finds herself embroiled in a deadly mystery when renowned perfumer Celeste Rousseau collapses at a fragrance launch event, seemingly poisoned by a rare jasmine tea. As Hazel begins to investigate, she uncovers a web of professional rivalry, hidden motives, and dark secrets within the competitive world of perfumery. The investigation leads Hazel and her friends, Lily Park and Detective Frank Marshall, into the intricate world of scent creation, where they discover that the jasmine used in Celeste's fragrance was contaminated with a deadly toxin. As they delve deeper, they uncover the involvement of Celeste's assistant, Margot, who, under pressure and manipulation by rival perfumer Antoine Duval, became entangled in a dangerous conspiracy. As the truth slowly comes to light, Hazel and her team must confront the reality of ambition, betrayal, and the lengths to which some will go to protect their secrets. The investigation culminates in a tense showdown with Antoine, who, in a desperate act, drinks the very poison he used to sabotage Celeste. But the cost of uncovering those truths is high, leaving Hazel to reflect on the dangers of obsession and the fragile balance between beauty and deception.
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