The story begins in the simple home of a boy, Jimmy, in a rural Georgia town in the 1930s. What unfolds is the singular tale of an unlikely youngster who grows up to be not only the President of the United States but an inspirational winner of the Noble Prize for Peace. Jimmy Carter dreams of being a sailor and escaping his one horse town to see the wide world. He achieves his goal beyond even his wildest imaginings but suddenly gives it all up to return to his home following the untimely death of his beloved father. Jimmy works to fill his daddys shoes, and his tireless efforts ultimately lead him to the White House, where he experiences both fantastic triumph and devastating failure. He then spends the remainder of his life, to date, achieving an unprecedented redemption. This beautifully written book, Jimmy Carter: With Family, Friends and Foes, includes twenty-two poignant and telling photographs. In addition to Jimmy's own story, the author examines some of the most important and influential figures in Jimmys life. These people include his deeply troubled and misunderstood alcoholic brother, Billy; his zealously idealistic mother, Miz Lillian; and his precocious, turned political radical, daughter, Amy. Ted Kennedy, Menachem Begin, Anwar al Sadat, Hyman Rickover, Medgar Evers, and other historical figures are prominently featured in the narrative.
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