This classic work explores the kinematics of machinery, chronicling the discovery and application of principles underlying the controlled movements within machines. Franz Reuleaux, the Father of Kinematics, writes with authority and precision about his original and incisive ideas, which have endured for more than a century. Developing the subject from its fundamentals, Reuleaux begins with a discussion of the nature of the machine problem. He advances to examinations of such topics as phoronomic propositions, pairs of elements, incomplete kinematic chains and notation, analysis of chamber-crank trains and complete machines, kinematic synthesis, and related subjects. More than 450 figures illustrate his descriptions. An excellent text for basic courses in kinematics, this volume also serves as a standard reference for professionals.
This classic work explores the kinematics of machinery, chronicling the discovery and application of principles underlying the controlled movements within machines. Franz Reuleaux, the Father of Kinematics, writes with authority and precision about his original and incisive ideas, which have endured for more than a century. Developing the subject from its fundamentals, Reuleaux begins with a discussion of the nature of the machine problem. He advances to examinations of such topics as phoronomic propositions, pairs of elements, incomplete kinematic chains and notation, analysis of chamber-crank trains and complete machines, kinematic synthesis, and related subjects. More than 450 figures illustrate his descriptions. An excellent text for basic courses in kinematics, this volume also serves as a standard reference for professionals.