Dikisahkan dari seorang sufi saleh legendaris bernama Dzunun Al Misri, ia mengalami peristiwa menakjubkan yang menggambarkan luasnya kasih sayang Allah SWT Tuhan Alam Semesta kepada setiap makhluk. Bahkan kepada seorang pria yang sering bermaksiat dan yang melanggar syariat-Nya sekalipun, Allah SWT tetap melimpahkan kasih sayang-Nya.
Narrated from a legendary pious Sufi named Dzunun Al Misri, he experienced an amazing event that illustrates the breadth of the love of Allah SWT Lord of the Universe to every creature. Even to a man who often acts and who violates His Shari'ah though, Allah SWT still bestows His love.
Narrated from a legendary pious Sufi named Dzunun Al Misri, he experienced an amazing event that illustrates the breadth of the love of Allah SWT Lord of the Universe to every creature. Even to a man who often acts and who violates His Shari'ah though, Allah SWT still bestows His love.