`It is both a showcase for East German limnology and a good contribution to comparative limnology.'
The Quarterly Review of Biology, 61 (1986)
`... the editor and contributors should be congratulated for what is overall a fascinating, detailed and informative contribution to the limnological literature. ... Between these two covers is a wealth of information about an interesting temperate oligotrophic lake and the environmental impacts of thermal effluents discharged from a nuclear power plant.'
Journal of the Limnological Society of S.A., 11:2 (1986)
The Quarterly Review of Biology, 61 (1986)
`... the editor and contributors should be congratulated for what is overall a fascinating, detailed and informative contribution to the limnological literature. ... Between these two covers is a wealth of information about an interesting temperate oligotrophic lake and the environmental impacts of thermal effluents discharged from a nuclear power plant.'
Journal of the Limnological Society of S.A., 11:2 (1986)
`It is both a showcase for East German limnology and a good contribution to comparative limnology.'
The Quarterly Review of Biology, 61 (1986)
`... the editor and contributors should be congratulated for what is overall a fascinating, detailed and informative contribution to the limnological literature. ... Between these two covers is a wealth of information about an interesting temperate oligotrophic lake and the environmental impacts of thermal effluents discharged from a nuclear power plant.'
Journal of the Limnological Society of S.A., 11:2 (1986)
The Quarterly Review of Biology, 61 (1986)
`... the editor and contributors should be congratulated for what is overall a fascinating, detailed and informative contribution to the limnological literature. ... Between these two covers is a wealth of information about an interesting temperate oligotrophic lake and the environmental impacts of thermal effluents discharged from a nuclear power plant.'
Journal of the Limnological Society of S.A., 11:2 (1986)