Fashion was then an important aspect of the Elizabethan Age anddeserves scholars’consideration.And teachers’, and students’ as well. Since fashion is a popular topicamong teenagers,why not take the chance to introduce it into ourEnglishclasses in school? Basically, theidea of fashion as a calling card is asold as the world itself and, with due shaping andreshaping accordingto time and place, it is ultimately the same–our clothes say a greatdealabout us, our personality and our lifestyle.No one could deny it.Th e aim of this book is thus to introduce our high school studentsto Elizabethanfashion and to let them see how rich, complex and fascinatinga topic it is. In recentyears, a lot of works on 16thcenturyfashionhave been published and readers have hadthe chance to diveinto Elizabethan costumes and even to reproduce them.
(C. Vallaro,Introduction)
(C. Vallaro,Introduction)