In this suspenseful thriller set in Dallas, A. W. Gray takes us behind the police lines of a homicide investigation and into the private passions that fuel an urban nightmare.
A stolen BMW is recovered with a stash of cocaine, lurid photos, and a charred, dismembered body. Dallas Metro detective Ham Benno soon connects the victim to a secret circle of family depravity and sexual indiscretion-a mother and daughter who blur the lines between predator and prey.
Are the suspects innocent targets? Guilty avengers? Nothing has ever been proven, and a stone-cold killer is about to strike again.
A. W. Gray, a native Texan, has drawn critical acclaim for his crime novels, most of which feature Texas crime lawyer Bino Phillips. He is also the author of the true-crime book Poisoned Dreams.
A stolen BMW is recovered with a stash of cocaine, lurid photos, and a charred, dismembered body. Dallas Metro detective Ham Benno soon connects the victim to a secret circle of family depravity and sexual indiscretion-a mother and daughter who blur the lines between predator and prey.
Are the suspects innocent targets? Guilty avengers? Nothing has ever been proven, and a stone-cold killer is about to strike again.
A. W. Gray, a native Texan, has drawn critical acclaim for his crime novels, most of which feature Texas crime lawyer Bino Phillips. He is also the author of the true-crime book Poisoned Dreams.