The story begins some 300 years ago when the planet Centauri sent a tiny spaceship to Earth. The saga began from a discovery that the two planets, were created identically. This book is the final chapter evolving from the first three in the storyline. Background would be revealed by reading the first three, i.e.: "Hush Sisters Hush", "Music for Centauri", and "The Search for Tesla". All of which are available in eBooks and paperbacks. This book is a continuation with all the same characters. This story is about adapting to living on a new planet, since circumstances on Earth gave grave concern for remaining. The 40 times lightspeed spacecraft made the two-month journey in a luxury comparable to a cruise ship. Now they fit in nicely and live in the mansion of the woman who started it all. They are now among a populous with life expectances approaching 1000 years. Physical appearances have no identifiers that are discernable, except the slow growth of children. On Centauri there is but one culture and no religions. The global population is 150 million and has but one language. So, now with interest in Earth waning, the Council of Centauri wants to utilize this marvelous spacecraft to search the galaxy for life beyond what has before been limited to sub-lightspeed vehicles. They decided on a ten-year expedition with a crew of seven only to find that the cosmos has little to offer except months of boredom.
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