Have you ever felt like you’ve been working so hard for something but you’ve run into every obstacle possible and the road always seems to lead you back to ground zero? Well, that’s because you haven’t grounded your energy and soul to be able to receive your heart’s desires. You know that old saying that God won’t put any more on you than you can bear? Well, that’s the same way for your manifestation wishes as well. God won't give you the ultimate gift in this lifetime unless you put yourself in what I like to call the Receiving mode. This 30-day guide shows you an easy step process that indeed changed my life forever. How bad are you willing to change your circumstances to be able to manifest the life that you are truly destined to live? It all starts with you, the only person who can change your life is you. I can show you how to change your mentality out of negative mode and put it in positive mode, because when you are in positive mode the game changes. But you must want to change more than you want to breathe and we all need oxygen. Use this 30-day guide for 30 days and watch how your life begins to slowly but surely change for the better. Manifest that shit!