This final installment in this award-winning series follows African American youth Curtis Jefferson as he escapes from the cursed Fort Grant, struggles to survive a perilous desert crossing, and attempts to evade a fierce lawman. Meanwhile, Isabel and Ray Cienfuegos continue to elude their spectral stalker, the murderous demon-spirit Ezra. Merging Paths is sure to gratify readers who have followed the journey of good versus evil in Path of the Half Moon and Courses of the Cursed.
Vince Bailey's award-winning Path of the Half Moon-the first book in the Curtis Jefferson series-was the Winner of the Arizona Authors' Association Literary Award and the Chanticleer International Book Awards for Paranormal and Supernatural Fiction. Book two-Courses of the Cursed-was a Finalist in the 15th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards. Merging Paths is the exciting conclusion to the colorful, intricate world presented in this unique paranormal series.
Vince Bailey's award-winning Path of the Half Moon-the first book in the Curtis Jefferson series-was the Winner of the Arizona Authors' Association Literary Award and the Chanticleer International Book Awards for Paranormal and Supernatural Fiction. Book two-Courses of the Cursed-was a Finalist in the 15th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards. Merging Paths is the exciting conclusion to the colorful, intricate world presented in this unique paranormal series.
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